Music Mountain Theatre and Kasey Ivan Photography have collaborated to bring you this one-of-a-kind work of art featuring MMT Company Members. We hope you enjoy CINEMA as much we did bringing it to you.

forward by KASEY IVAN
When I first brought the idea to artistic directors Louis Palena and Jordan Brennan, I don’t think any of us knew exactly how it might go. Louis had the idea to center the photos on a theme of one sort or another, and it feels fitting that we landed on another form of storytelling as our thesis. Movies, like live theatre, are created by directors, actors, and stage crew in order to tell stories and tell them well. This project is our homage to cinema and to those who make these movies possible.
One final note of great importance-- it would be easy, reading these words and viewing these images, to feel as though this work is largely one of my own making. Nothing could be further from the truth. While this project and book may have been my idea, none of it could exist unless it was imprinted by the community. I am perhaps proudest of all to say that that is the case. This collection of images would never have been possible without the tireless efforts of Music Mountain Theatre and its community.
In so many ways, this book is about cinema. In so many more, this book is about community, friendship, family, and the stories we can create together.
Lights. Camera. Action.